Find the solution that fits your needs
Design your own health insurance plan according to your needs and budget
A comprehensive health insurance plan, in cooperation with Hygeia Group
A comprehensive health insurance plan, in cooperation with the European Interbalkan Medical Center in Thessaloniki
Benefits and allowances for added personalization of your insurance plan
Choose the plan that suits you, according on your needs
Protect your main and holiday home with a comprehensive and flexible insurance plan
Specialized coverage against specific risks at a highly competitive price
Holistic protection with key and optional add on covers, to address any issue
Flexible holistic solutions for all kinds of business activity, with full range of coverage
Business On is a complete & flexible solution, tailored to suit all business needs
Create the best work environment for your personnel
Custom solutions that protect your employees, no matter the business type and size
Solutions that take care of your team, with the best terms
Shield your business against unforeseen events
Key & add-on coverage for any unexpected incident, with numerous options tailored to your needs
Holistic protection for the organization with a full range of key & optional coverage
Personalized solutions for different professional activities
In order to secure the sooth seamless and smooth management of your business, we offer you innovative platforms and applications. Thus, you can concertante on what is truly important. Providing consultation services to your customers.