Cycle Away Bike Insurance | Generali


A comprehensive insurance solution for your bicycle


Holistic bicycle protection
Coverages for the cyclist
Coverage for damages or physical injuries to third parties
Holistic bicycle protection
Coverages for the cyclist
Coverage for damages or physical injuries to third parties

Enjoy your rides, worry free



  • Transportation of the insured cyclist with expenses covered by the company if on-site repair is not possible (within same prefecture)
  • Bicycle repair at our network bicycle servicing shops without payment by the policyholder
  • When stolen or damaged beyond repair, replacement with a new bicycle, of same value and quality, at a network bicycle shop


  • Cyclists from 5 to 65 years of age
  • Individuals and bike club/group members
  • Regular and electric bicycles



Bicycle Accident Care

24/7 Bicycle Accident Care services for accidents or when your bicycle is immobilized


Personal Accident

Medical and pharmaceutical expenses required for the care of the insured due to a personal accident, are covered



Total theft from a store room or garage of the main or secondary residence (of the insured cyclist)


Damage at eyeglasses or contact lenses

Covers the expenses required for replacing or repairing eyeglasses and contact lenses after the accident


Material damages

Covers material damages to your bicycle and its accessories from: Collision, impact, diversion, overturn or fall


Dental damage

Covers dental treatment expense required, due to an accident


Third-Party Liability

Covers expenses for material damages, physical injuries, death to third parties during bicycle usage


Life Insurance

Compensation is provided due to death or total and permanent disability due to an accident

KAPETANIDIS BIKES20, Elef. Venizelou str., 19200 Elefsina210-5542963-link
27, Vouliagmenis Ave. 16675 Glyfada210-9601271info@kassimatisbikes.grlink
KEFALAS BIKES21, 25th Martiou str., 18543 Piraeus210-4204171info@kefalasbikes.grlink
PANORAMA BIKES – BESSAS THEODOROS19, Ch. Smyrnis & Vyronos str., Maroussi 151 22210-8066759panorama.bikes@gmail.comlink
TSIRIKOS BIKES2, Perikleous str., 15451 Neo Psyhico210-6715814technical@tsirikosbikes.grlink
HANTES BIKES - HANTE EVANGELIA1, Tantalou & Angenisseos str., 54627 Thessaloniki2310-793204info@hantesbikes.grlink
BIKE CENTRE – MELIDOU ANTIGONEAmygdaleonas, 64012 Kavala2510-392402-link
“ORTHOPETALIA” – GOGOS PETROS67, Georgiadou str., 41447 Larissa2410-251514info@orthopetalia.grlink
“PODILATIS” – KONSTANTAKIS DIMITRIS130, Ethn. Antistaseos str., 71306 Heraklion, Crete2810-245511-link


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Informational Documents

Information Document
Insurance Product Information Document (IPID)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • According to the Highway Code, all bicycles should have lights and reflectors.
  • All bicycles should have a bell.
  • Cycling is prohibited in highways and high-speed motorways, thus your insurance policy does not cover you in this case. You should always use the appropriate bicycle routes.

The insured value of your bicycle is defined by its price and year of purchase.
The bicycle age percentage, which is subtracted from the original purchase price, is as follows:

0-3 years: 0%
3-5 years: 20%
5-7 years: 30%
7-10 years: 40%
Over 10 years: 50%

You will need to call Accident Care by dialing 18112 (Greece) or 210 80 96 100 (from abroad), in order to receive instructions and advice from our partners. Accident Care services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, all over Greece.

If you choose one of our contracted repair shops, you can repair your bicycle, with no payment.

Generali offers you compensation for the insured value of your bicycle. You also have the option of replacement – with a bicycle of the same price and quality, in one of our contracted repair shops.

Standard 2-wheel bicycles and electric bicycles, up to 250 watts.

Coverage is extended solely to the Insured Person, declared as the cyclist / user of the bicycle.

Theft is only covered when the bicycle is stolen from the policy holder’s residence, store room or garage and only if the above spaces had been locked and have visible signs of a break-in.

Parts and accessories are not covered. The policy covers only the Total Theft of the bicycle. 

Insurance Solutions tailored to your individual needs

We offer customized insurance plans to cover every aspect of your life