Group Pension Insurance for Business | Generali

Group Pension Insurance for Business

Make your team feel safe, with the best terms


Maximize your capital with different investment options, guaranteed interest rates or dynamic plans
Digital tools for easy account monitoring and great customer support
Personalized consulting to help you design and manage your plan
Maximize your capital with different investment options, guaranteed interest rates or dynamic plans
Digital tools for easy account monitoring and great customer support
Personalized consulting to help you design and manage your plan

Investment for your Personnel



  • Sustainable option to create a savings fund, at low cost
  • Flexibility to design a custom plan that suits business needs
  • One-off payment at maturity
  • Flexibility in selecting the contributions’ percentage or amount
  • Possibility to choose your investment strategy and risk
  • Option for unscheduled employee contributions for maximizing the investment capital amount
  • Generali’s expertise in investment accounts management and access to reliable investment solutions
  • Simple and clear-cut terms


  • Return of up to 100% of the accrued assets, in case an employee exits the plan, due to any cause
  • Return of the accrued assets to the legal beneficiaries in case of death
  • Option for partial surrender
  • Continuous support from our team of expert consultants
  • Tax benefits for the employer & the employee


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Informational Documents


Responsible Investments Policy Generali
Sustainability Risk Policy Triton Asset Management AEDAK
Mutual Funds Regulations_ TRITON A M ΑΕΔΑΚ
Generali Smart Funds Prospectus


Key Information Document: Group saving plan “TRITON Solutions-Balanced Profile” - Employee (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan “TRITON Solutions-Conservative Profile” - Employee (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan “TRITON Solutions-Growth Solutions” - Employee (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest 0,50 - Employer (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest 0,50 - Employer (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest 0,50 - Employee (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest 0,50 - Employee (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest 2022 - Employer (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest 2022 - Employer (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest 2022 - Employee (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest 2022 - Employee (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan “Unit Linked” - Employer (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan “Unit Linked” - Employer (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan “Unit Linked” - Employee (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan “Unit Linked” - Employee (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS EQUITY – SRI Employer (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS EQUITY – SRI Employer (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS EQUITY – SRI Employee (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS EQUITY – SRI Employee (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS LIQUIDITY – MM Employer (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS LIQUIDITY – MM Employer (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS LIQUIDITY – MM Employee (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS LIQUIDITY – MM Employee (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS MULTI – ARMS Employer (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS MULTI – ARMS Employer (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS MULTI – ARMS Employee (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan WGS MULTI – ARMS Employee (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest WGS_Employer (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest WGS_Employer (Regular Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest WGS_Employee (Single Payment)
Key Information Document: Group saving plan with a guaranteed interest WGS_Employee (Regular Payment)

Frequently Asked Questions

Group insurance is a private plan which supplements the public healthcare essential coverage. It has been designed to offer extra coverage by paying costs outside standard insurance.

Group plans are suitable for small, small-medium sized and large businesses regardless of the type of activity and can be tailored to provide specific covers for specific categories of employees (e.g. managers, employees) regardless of the type of employment contract. Both the range and the type of covers can be adjusted to the individual needs of each group and each business.

Business group policies give employees peace of mind and build a safety net for the next day. They also create an indirect monthly remuneration increase and protect the employee’s living standard by limiting financial loss in case of accident. Health group plans -in particular- provide a safety net for employees and their families by offering access to high-level healthcare services.

Employers benefit from contributing in building a culture of trust which in turn improves productivity and helps in attracting talent and retaining employees. Group plans secure businesses against unexpected and serious incidents by covering the employer’s expenses. They also offer financial benefits thanks to the tax relief incentives provided by law.

Generali has created a fast and easy insurance process without time-consuming approval procedures, with coverage options even in case of pre-existing and congenital diseases and immediate effect of the policy.

Our group health insurance plans offer one of the widest networks of hospitals across Greece with direct payment of expenses by Generali for hospitalization as well as diagnostic centers, when excess is zero. Insured people can also access a country-wide network of more than 2000 doctors who they can consult for any health issue.

Finally, the company has used the latest technology to create My Generali. The digital customer support portal is available as an app and on the web and brings together all Generali services in a single one-stop-shop with easy access. Through this tool, insured people can view their covers and send and track requests such as: hospitalization notifications, hospitalization pre-approvals, doctor and diagnostic center appointment bookings, online submission of expenses.