Health Insurance - Additional Benefits & Allowances | Generali

HEALTH INSURANCE Additional Benefits & Allowances

Additional covers for a comprehensive protection

Feel safe and secure

Income produced by our work is detrimental to our living standards. It is one of our biggest assets. In case of death, accident or serious illness, our way of life changes and becomes more costly. Benefits from social funds are substantially lower than our previous normal income.


When we lose our ability to work we also lose the ability to produce income and we become afraid of not being able to support our future plans, not only ours personally, but our family’s plans and especially our children’s. Generali offers a range of covers that provide claims in form of benefits, or in form of a recovery allowance or even medical allowance.


The covers mentioned below, can supplement you Health Insurance plan.


Additional Benefits & Allowances

This benefit waives the obligation to pay premiums when, due to accident or illness, we lose that ability. The program continues its course without demanding from policyholders that they pay their insurance premiums. Generali pays those premiums for you, ensuring the smooth continuation of the program’s benefits in full.

*This coverage is available for Medical Prime and Medical Select

If an accident or illness deprives you of your earning capacity you wouldn’t want the plans for the future you have made for your children to be jeopardized. This benefit waives your obligation to pay premiums, ensuring that will pay out the agreed amount of your savings/insurance program to your family.

*This coverage is available for Medical Prime and Medical Select

This policy allows policyholders to make up for lost income when, due to that accident or illness, they are incapacitated and cannot work. The company offers a daily allowance, so that you are not burdened more during this difficult period.

This policy allows policyholders to make up for lost income when, due to that accident, they are incapacitated and cannot work. The company offers a daily allowance, so that you are not burdened more during this difficult period.

This allowance entails a specific sum given in the form of an allowance, for every day of hospitalization recovery at home or after childbirth (normal or with a cesarean delivery). In case of childbirth or hospitalization in an extensive care unite, the allowance sums are doubled. Its purpose is to cover the minor, everyday expenses that emerge during hospitalization and put extra burden to your budget.

Generali offers you the opportunity to shield your loved ones from financial adversities, through an affordable policy by making them your beneficiaries in the case of death due to accident. The capital is paid out to certain beneficiaries after the death of the policyholder following an accident. The sum is doubled if the death followed a motor vehicle accident. The coverage contributes to the protection of the family, freeing our loved ones from the burden of financial loss that always accompanies a sudden, unexpected demise.

At Generali, we make certain that you are protected and safeguarded financially, should you ever sustain loss of earning capacity due to accident or illness. Should that happen, the annual insured capital is doubled if the disability is the result of a motor vehicle accident.

The cover, protects and safeguards you financially, should you ever sustain loss of earning capacity due to accident. Should that happen, the annual insured capital is paid out in one lump sum. Alternatively, a percentage of the capital, proportionate to the percentage by which our earning capacity decreases, is paid out.

This benefit gives you the assurance that your plans will remain unaffected, should the policyholder ever sustain loss of earning capacity due to accident, illness and/ or their complications. Should that happen, the annual insured capital is paid out in one lump sum ensuring the smooth continuation of the program’s benefits in full.

This benefit gives you the assurance that your plans will remain unaffected, should the insured ever sustain loss of earning capacity due to accident, illness and/ or their complications. Should that happen, the annual insured capital is paid out in one lump sum ensuring the smooth continuation of the program’s benefits in full.

Should one out of 13 critical illnesses be diagnosed, we, at Generali, offer you this coverage which provides you with a capital: this capital offers you both the solvency and financial comfort that are indispensable in these cases.

This insurance is aimed to shield your loved ones from financial adversities in case of your death through an affordable policy. It enables you to adjust your coverage to the limits and duration of your choice and is the ideal way to protect your family against the risk of early demise. It also helps to make planned actions come true once the policyholder is no longer there.

By providing this allowance, Generali wishes to cover the expenses that are incurred after an accident but without admission to hospital. Thus, you ensure the choice of the best and most timely way to deal with the consequences of an accident. Specifically it covers medical visits, diagnostic tests, physiotherapy and dental expenses that may arise as a result of an accident.

The claim is in the form of an allowance, paid as a lump sum for a surgical procedure legally performed anywhere (Greece or abroad). The sum is proportionate to the gravity of the surgical procedure due to accident, illness and/ or their complications. The sum is paid out irrespective of the expenses submitted with claims over surgical procedures.


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