Maximizer Savings Investment Plan | Generali


Invest in your financial freedom


A dynamic, capital generation plan for maximizing your money’s performance
Reach your goals with the plan’s minimum duration of 10 years
Create your investment fund with easy steps, starting with 500 euros
A dynamic, capital generation plan for maximizing your money’s performance
Reach your goals with the plan’s minimum duration of 10 years
Create your investment fund with easy steps, starting with 500 euros

Start investing in your dreams

  • Combine regular saving with different investment options
  • Based on your Investment Profile (Conservative, Balanced, Dynamic), invest in three (3) selected funds of TRITON AEDAK as well as 3 sustainable investment options (ESG) funds of Generali Investments, mutual fund management company of the Generali Group
  • Possibility to change your investment option up to four times every year
  • Convert your fund into a pension
  • Ideal for those wishing to start investing for the first time
  • Capital creation to meet future personal, professional and family needs such as: capital formation for retirement, covering children's education expenses, buying a house, a new business plan

Thanks to Generali’s long expertise you can secure

  • Professional investment management
  • Access to selected global financial markets
  • Addition insurance coverages, to protect your savings against unforeseen events
  • Flexibility in selecting your investment strategy with a very low investment risk option
  • Option for extra payments, on top of the annual premium
  • Option to readjust your premium


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Informational Documents

Information Document Maximizer 2023


ΤRΙΤΟΝ Mutual Fund Maximizer Balanced Fund of Funds
ΤRΙΤΟΝ Mutual Fund Maximizer Conservative Fund of Funds
ΤRΙΤΟΝ Mutal Fund Maximizer Dynamic Fund of Fund
Generali Smart Funds - JP Morgan Global Income Conservative DX EUR
Generali Smart Funds - Responsible Balance GX EUR
Generali Investments Sicav - SRI Ageing Population Class BX
Get detailed information about Generali Investment's Mutual Funds, the relevant Regulation, the Key Information Documents, the sustainability disclosures, and more
Get detailed information about Triton Asset Management's Mutual Funds, the relevant Regulation, the Key Information Documents, the sustainability disclosures, and more


Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - ΤRΙΤΟΝ Mutual Fund Maximizer Balanced Fund of Funds
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - ΤRΙΤΟΝ Mutual Fund Maximizer Conservative Fund of Funds
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - ΤRΙΤΟΝ Mutual Fund Maximizer Dynamic Fund of Funds
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - Generali Smart Funds - JP Morgan Global Income Conservative DX EUR
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - Generali Smart Funds - Responsible Balance GX EUR
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - Generali Investments Sicav - SRI Ageing Population Class BX


Performance Scenarios_Max_II_Balanced_RP
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_Conservative_RP
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_Dynamic_RP
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_ESG1_GSF JP Morgan Global Income Conservative_RP
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_ESG2_GSF Responsible Balance_RP
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_ESG3_Generali SRI Ageing Population_RP


Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - ΤRΙΤΟΝ Mutual Fund Maximizer Balanced Fund of Funds
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - ΤRΙΤΟΝ Mutual Fund Maximizer Conservative Fund of Funds
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - ΤRΙΤΟΝ Mutual Fund Maximizer Dynamic Fund of Funds
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - Generali Smart Funds - JP Morgan Global Income Conservative DX EUR
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - Generali Smart Funds - Responsible Balance GX EUR
Key Information Document MAXIMIZER - Generali Investments Sicav - SRI Ageing Population Class BX


Performance Scenarios_Max_II_Balanced_ TopUp
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_Conservative_TopUp
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_Dynamic_TopUp
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_ESG1_GSF JP Morgan Global Income Conservative_TU
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_ESG2_GSF Responsible Balance_TU
Performance Scenarios_Max_II_ESG3_Generali SRI Ageing Population_TU

Frequently Asked Questions

Maximizer is an investment-connected plan that offers great advantages in relation to direct investment into mutual funds, with regular saving. Moreover, it allows you to combine your investment with supplementary benefits and allowances, such as:

  • Life insurance
  • Additional life insurance
  • Death resulting from accident
  • Permanent total disability because of accident or illness
  • Permanent total or partial disability due to accident
  • Protection of the insured’s future premiums
  • Critical illnesses


Maximizer is suitable for those who wish to save and maximize through long-term investments. The plan’s minimum duration is 10 years, with a maximum age limit 80 y.o, so you can invest in your dreams.

Generali provides comprehensive updates on your Investment Account progress through the MyGenerali customer support platform.

A detailed report -in print form- will also be sent to you, on an annual basis.

Finally, your Insurance Advisor is always available for any information you may need.

You can select one of the following Mutual Funds, based on your Investment Profile and your Sustainability Preferences:


Investment ProfileWithout Sustainability PreferencesWith Sustainability Preferences
ConservativeTRITON M/F Maximizer
Conservative Fund of Funds
GSF - JP Morgan Global
Income Conservative DX EUR
BalancedTRITON M/F Maximizer
Balanced Fund of Funds
GSF - Responsible Balance
Class GX
DynamicTRITON M/F Maximizer
Dynamic Fund of Funds
GENERALI SRI Ageing Population

Yes, you can change your investment option up to four times every year. The first change per year is free of charge.

The capital accumulated at the expiration of the plan can be received in two ways:

  • With a lump sum payment of the value of the investment account, or
  • With a fixed-term (5, 10, 15, 20 or 35 years) Guaranteed Fixed Monthly Pension program, provided you have reached age 55 and the amount of the monthly pension exceeds at least €250.

You also have the option -without any additional costs- to withdraw all of your accumulated assets (total acquisition) prior to the expiration of the plan, either at once or through a retirement plan, provided that you have reached the sixth year (73 months) from the start of the Plan.

Yes, you can readjust the amount you are saving depending on your budget, by maintaining the minimum amount of 500€ annually. You can also enhance your regular saving with extra payments that may reach the amount of 50,000€ per year.

Μaximizer is the ideal solution for those who wish to create accumulated assets to cover their future needs. Frequent expenses usually do not allow us to save money, thus this program is drawing up a disciplined and systematic savings plan, laying the foundations for creating an additional source of income in the future. In addition, it is suitable for those looking for a stable savings solution without risking their savings, while providing the support of an expert advisor, who can guide them in developing an investment strategy.

Insurance Solutions tailored to your individual needs

We offer customized insurance plans to cover every aspect of your life